Asked Questions

  • Contact us to discuss any questions on 0434 873 521, or email

    If we are unable to take your call, please leave a message and we’ll do our best to get back to you within two business days.

    Alternatively, please use the New Client Enquiry Form (here) on our booking portal.

  • The initial session is important for developing a shared understanding of your current situation and exploring its underlying reasons.

    We will address any questions, discuss important aspects such as safety, privacy, and confidentiality, and collaboratively develop a treatment plan.

    This session is also an opportunity to ensure that I am the right fit for you as a therapist. It's important you feel understood and believe that I can help you work through your challenges and move forward effectively.

  • Clients do not require a referral to see a Psychologist at Aspiring Psychology.

    You may be seen as a private client if you wish.

    You need a referral (called a Mental Health Treatment Plan) from your GP or Psychiatrist to access a Medicare rebate. Please see below for further information about this.


    Seeing your General Practitioner (GP) or obtaining a referral from a Psychiatrist or Paediatrician, you may be able to get a MHTP as part of the Australian Government's Better Access Scheme to help cover the cost of psychological therapy.

    A MHTP enables you to access up to 10 Individual rebateable psychology sessions per calendar year. Rebates are available for telephone, online and face-to-face appointments. Often, your GP will provide a referral for an initial six sessions. Usually, following the six sessions, a GP review will be undertaken, and another four sessions may be provided.

    A valid MHTP will be required if clients wish to claim the Medicare rebate of up to $96.35 which will reduce your out-of-pocket costs.

  • We store clients’ personal information on our practice management software with the highest data security standards worldwide.

    Please refer to our Privacy Policy (here) for Management of Personal Information.

  • Cancellation fees apply for non-attendance and late cancellations. Fees vary according to consultation.

    Please refer to the Fees page (here) for further information.

  • There is one, two, and three-hour parking available on the adjacent streets and in nearby shopping centres.

    The practice is equipped with easily accessible entrances and exits for individuals using mobility aids.

    Disabled access is via the glass door at the rear of the building.

Aspiring Psychology Bathurst

For more information, contact the practice